Significance of foliar nutrition on growth indices, yield attributes and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
Vighnesh, Seenappa C and Atheekur Rehman HM
A field experiment was conducted at Zonal Agricultural Research Station (ZARS), Gandhi KrishiVigyan Kendra (GKVK), University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, to evaluate the impact of foliar nutrition on growth and yield of cowpea under changing climate. The experiment consists of different types and combinations of foliar spray (DAP, Pulse magic and Ampoxcilin) totally there are thirteen treatments replicated thrice in RCBD. Combined application of 75% RDF + 2% DAP + 2% Pulse magic + 0.2% Ampoxicilin recorded significantly higher leaf area plant-1 (1137 cm2), leaf area index (2.53), absolute growth rate (0.358 g plant-1 day-1), relative growth rate (0.043 g g-1 day-1), crop growth rate (7.96 g m-2 day-1) and net assimilation rate (5.791 g dm-2 day-1) of cowpea. The yield attributes and yield were significantly varied with 75% RDF + 2% DAP + 2% Pulse magic + 0.2% Ampoxcilin. Higher number of pod plant-1 (27.8), Pod length (18.1 cm) number of seeds pod-1 (17.5), seed yield (1357 kg ha-1) and haulm yield (3550 kg ha-1) were recorded. Whereas, lower number of pods plant-1 (20.6), pod length (14.7 cm), number of seeds pod-1 (13.5), seed yield (859 kg ha-1) and haulm yield (2153 kg ha-1) of cowpea were recorded with 75% RDF + Water spray.
How to cite this article:
Vighnesh, Seenappa C, Atheekur Rehman HM. Significance of foliar nutrition on growth indices, yield attributes and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5267-5271.