Effect of HS & BQ vaccination on seminal attributes in Murrah buffalo
Vinod Shende, Pradip Kadam, Vinod Potdar, Shivaji Sontakke and Jayant Khadse
Present study was undertaken to know the effect of HS & BQ vaccination on seminal parameters at BAIF Semen station, Uruli Kanchan. Dist. Pune, India. 85 Murrah buffalo breeding bulls were selected and quality seminal parameters were evaluated. The bulls included in this study were maintained on same feeding & management practices. For each bull Ejaculates were collected and evaluated one week of pre vaccination and one week of post vaccination of HS & BQ Vaccine (Raksha HS+BQ vaccine of Indian immunological Ltd) were included in the trial. Seminal Quality parameters like Ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm output, mass activity and initial motility were evaluated for all ejaculates. Data of ejaculates were analyzed by least square method. Results were found that HS & BQ vaccination had significant effect on (p<0.05) ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and total sperm output whereas non significant effect on initial motility and mass activity.
How to cite this article:
Vinod Shende, Pradip Kadam, Vinod Potdar, Shivaji Sontakke, Jayant Khadse. Effect of HS & BQ vaccination on seminal attributes in Murrah buffalo. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5246-5248.