Response of high density planting on growth, yield and economics of elephant foot yam [Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson]
RS Singh, A Narayan, GS Giri, Tanweer Alam, Sudha Nandini, CS Choudhary and Amalendu Kumar
A trial on high density planting in elephant foot yam was conducted during 2021-22 and 2022-23 on sandy loam soil in randomized block design at Agricultural Research Farm, Dholi of Tirhut College of Agriculture under Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Bihar) to find out the effect of high density planting on growth, tuber/corm yield and economics. It was found that plant height after four months planting under high planting density either in single row or paired row was significantly higher than normal planting and the increase was to the tune of 19.8-29.9%. Corm yield, net return and B:C ratio under high density planting were also found significantly superior than normal planting and the increase were recorded to the tune of 74.7-96.7, 66.6-105.4 and 4.3-5.8%, respectively. Plant height, corm yield, net return and B:C ratio in all the treatments green manured with greengram (Vigna radiata) or dhaincha (Sesbania rostrata) or without green manuring either single row planting or paired row planting under high density planting were found at par among themselves.
How to cite this article:
RS Singh, A Narayan, GS Giri, Tanweer Alam, Sudha Nandini, CS Choudhary, Amalendu Kumar. Response of high density planting on growth, yield and economics of elephant foot yam [Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson]. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5193-5195.