Constraints refraining women from using ICTs
Monika Sharma and Dr. Amardeep Chauhan
Information and communication Technologies (ICTs) are powerful tools that lead to empowerment of women and social change. (Hafkin and Huyer 2007). However, there are hurdles in using ICTs to the full extent that affect women’s engagement with technological devices. To make the dream of women being advantaged by new technology a reality, social, personal, financial and technological factors need to be identified. (Gil et al., 2010; Shettar, 2015). Hence, the objective of the investigation was to find out important factors that hinder women from using ICTs.
How to cite this article:
Monika Sharma, Dr. Amardeep Chauhan. Constraints refraining women from using ICTs. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):4879-4882.