To study the extent of adoption of management practices of Sangamneri goat and N on-descriptive goat by the rearers
Dhele AM, Bhange SB and Immanavar AM
Goats are considered to have been one of the first animals domesticated by man for agricultunl purposes. They were tamed to provide milk. Meat and skin purposes. Goat rearing is an important source of livelihood for the rural J people partjcularly for women, landless labour and marginal farmers living in the interior areas, who do not have the other means of survivals. An experiment entitled ''Adoption of management practices and utility perception of sangamneri goat rearers and Non descriptive goat rearers -A comparative study was conducted at Department of Agricultural Extension and Commurucation. Post Graduate institute, MPKV, Rahuri. During 202 1-22.The study was conducted with a sample size of 160 from LBE Ahmednagar District to study the extent of adoption of management practices of Sangamneri goat and Non-descriptive goat by the rearers. It was found that nearly two third (60.00%) of goat rearers had medium level of adoption regarding overall management practices of goat, while 21.25 percent of them were having high and 18.75 percent having low level of overall adoption of different goat management practices for goat rearing.
How to cite this article:
Dhele AM, Bhange SB, Immanavar AM. To study the extent of adoption of management practices of Sangamneri goat and N on-descriptive goat by the rearers. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):4582-4585.