Growth performance of broiler chicken under colour light
Queenie Candice Fernandes, Karthiayini K, Beena V and Radhika G
The study was conducted to assess the effect of colour light (green, λ= 560 nm; blue, λ= 480 nm; red, λ= 660 nm) on growth of broiler chicken and compare it with growth rate under white LED light and incandescent bulb light. Weekly body weight gain and relative expression of IGF-1 gene in breast muscle at 17, 24 and 31-day of growth were used to measure the growth. The study showed that the body weight gain of two-week-old broiler chicks under green, blue and white light were higher compared to birds under incandescent light. Third-, fourth- and fifth-week body weight gain of birds in blue and green light was better than the birds under other lights used, with maximum gain in birds under blue light. The study showed that on day 17 the birds under green light had more IGF-1 expression, followed by those under blue light. On day 24 and 31 birds reared under blue light showed a better IGF-1 gene expression than others. In the early period up to day 17, green light was most stimulatory to growth and the expression of IGF-1 gene under study. After day 17 up to day 31, blue light resulted in maximum expression of IGF-1 gene and growth. The study revealed that blue and green monochromatic LED light is better for growth of broiler chicken than incandescent, white and red light. The birds under incandescent light had lowest performance.
How to cite this article:
Queenie Candice Fernandes, Karthiayini K, Beena V, Radhika G. Growth performance of broiler chicken under colour light. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):4579-4581.