Socio-economic characteristics of Bt cotton producers in Parbhani district of Maharashtra
Hatagale RK, Rede GD and Nagargoje SR
In the present study the socio-economic characteristics of Bt cotton producers have been assessed. This was based mainly on primary data which was collected through personal interview method with the help of pre-tested schedules. An investigation was conducted in the Parbhani district of Maharashtra purposively. Multistage sampling technique was used for selection of district, tehsils and villages. Two Bt cotton hybrids Ajeet-199 Bt and Rashi-779 Bt cotton were selected for present study. Data were analyzed with the help of simple tabular analysis by using statistical tools like mean, percentage, frequency and percentage. Area under Ajeet-199 Bt cotton was more (1.40 ha) followed by Rash-779 Bt (1.34 ha).Overall middle age cotton growers >36 to <50 years old) i.e. 43.75 percent were mostly engaged in Bt cotton cultivation and most of them (46.87 percent) acquired education of primary level. More than 76.56 percent Bt cotton growers had agriculture as main occupation. In case of social-economic factors, farmers opined that there was a positive and significant contribution of Bt cotton on their yield and reducing cost on inputs thereby increase in farm income, standard of living, educational level, employment and equity.
How to cite this article:
Hatagale RK, Rede GD, Nagargoje SR. Socio-economic characteristics of Bt cotton producers in Parbhani district of Maharashtra. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):3955-3958.