Response of China aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) to pinching and growth regulators for vegetative and yield characters under Konkan agro-climatic conditions
Mayuri S Mhatre, Mandar H Khanvilkar, Nitesh V Dalvi, Sakharam D Desai, Mahesh M Kulkarni, Bharat R Salavi, Rutuja D Pawar and Arfa A Ainarkar
The present investigation entitled “Response of China aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) to pinching and growth regulators for vegetative and yield characters under Konkan agro-climatic conditions” was carried out at Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture College of Horticulture, DBSKKV, Dapoli Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra at High-Tech nursery, during year 2021-22. Presently, The Experiment was laid out in factorial randomised block design with 20 treatment combinations of cv. Phule Ganesh Pink. The experiment comprised of P1: no pinching, P2: pinching at 3 weeks after transplanting, P3: pinching at 5 weeks after transplanting and P4: double pinching and methods as sub factor viz., T1-control (water spray), T2 (GA3 200 ppm), T3 (GA3 300 ppm), T4 (CCC 1000 ppm), T5 (CCC 1500 ppm) replicated thrice. In respect of pinching methods, yield was noticed significantly maximum with double pinching. In case of growth regulators, maximum plant height, number of flowers was recorded on the application of GA3 (300 ppm). Whereas, Maximum plant spread was observed on the application of CCC (1500 ppm). In treatment combination P4T3 were found significantly superior with respect to number of leaves, leaf area, number of flowers and yield of flowers. Pinching and plant regulators act as inducing or decreasing in plant height and spread which ultimately gives more yield.
How to cite this article:
Mayuri S Mhatre, Mandar H Khanvilkar, Nitesh V Dalvi, Sakharam D Desai, Mahesh M Kulkarni, Bharat R Salavi, Rutuja D Pawar, Arfa A Ainarkar. Response of China aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) to pinching and growth regulators for vegetative and yield characters under Konkan agro-climatic conditions. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):3625-3628.