Effect of foliar nutrition on growth and growth indices of utera lentil under Chhattisgarh plain
Sagar Pradhan, Dr. DK Chandrakar, Rameswar Jena, Dr. Narendra Pandey and Chandan Kumar Rout
A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of foliar nutrition on growth, yield and economics of utera under Chhattisgarh plain during rabi season of 2020-21 at Research cum Instructional Farm, I.G.K.V, Raipur (C.G.). The experiment consisting with ten treatments of foliar nutrition was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. The foliar spray treatments were T1: Water spray (control), T2: Urea (2%), T3: DAP (2%), T4: Potassium nitrate (0.5%), T5: N P K 19:19:19 (0.5%), T6: Zinc sulphate (0.5%), T7: Urea (2%) + Zinc sulphate (0.5%), T8: DAP (2%) + Zinc sulphate (0.5%), T9: Potassium nitrate (0.5%) +Zinc sulphate (0.5%), T10: N P K 19:19:19 (0.5%) + Zinc sulphate (0.5%). The foliar spray was done at pre flowering and pod initiation stages. At 90 DAS and at harvest, the highest growth attributing characters like plant height, number of branches plant-1, leaf area index and dry weight of plant were recorded under the treatment of T10: N P K 19:19:19 (0.5%) + Zinc sulphate (0.5%) spray at pre flowering and pod initiation stages compared to other treatments, but it was at par with the treatments of T5: N P K 19:19:19 (0.5%) and T8: DAP (2%) + Zinc sulphate (0.5%). The number of effective nodules plant-1 counted at 60 DAS also increased due to foliar spray and found highest at T9. The LAD, CGR and RGR was also found to be highest for T10 treatment.
How to cite this article:
Sagar Pradhan, Dr. DK Chandrakar, Rameswar Jena, Dr. Narendra Pandey, Chandan Kumar Rout. Effect of foliar nutrition on growth and growth indices of utera lentil under Chhattisgarh plain. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):3021-3025.