Effect of different tree spacings on microclimate and vegetative behaviour of guava cv. Shweta
Himanshu Chawla, Naresh Kumar Arora, Karandeep Kaur and Rakesh Meena
The present investigation on the effect of different tree spacings on microclimate and vegetative behaviour of guava cv. Shweta was carried out to study how the vegetative growth behaviour of guava at various planting densities was affected by changes in the canopy microclimate. With the increase in plant density from 333 (6x5 m) to 833 (4x3 m) plants per hectare area, the solar radiation interception in plant canopies was found to decrease during both the rainy and winter seasons. Similarly, by decreasing the number of plants per unit area, the average canopy temperature increased, while the relative humidity in the canopy decreased. However, the microclimatic conditions in the spacing of 6x5 m and 5x5 m did not vary to a greater extent. Growth of vegetative characters in terms of stock and scion girth, tree spread (EW and NS) and canopy volume increased with a decrease in plant density, while tree height increased with an increase in plant density. The planting density of 4x3 m and 4x4 m spacing was not observed to be encouraging because of insufficient canopy microclimatic conditions and insufficient solar radiation penetration. The plant densities of 333 and 400 plants/ha were discovered superior during both rainy and winter seasons due to optimal microclimate and maximum radiation absorption in the orchard, which promotes better vegetative growth. It may be concluded that guava planted at 5x5 m (400 trees/ acre) had significantly optimal solar radiation interception, canopy temperature and relative humidity. Which enhances better vegetative growth as compared to trees planted at recommended spacing i.e 6x5 m.
How to cite this article:
Himanshu Chawla, Naresh Kumar Arora, Karandeep Kaur, Rakesh Meena. Effect of different tree spacings on microclimate and vegetative behaviour of guava cv. Shweta. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):2781-2785.