Effect of Silicon and iron on yield, yield attributes and economic of green gram (Vigna radiata L.)
Nazim Khan, Dr. Virendra Singh, Ram Prakash and Madan Gopal
Green gram is an important pulse crop which is utilized as for feeding and as raw material in processing industry. However, yield losses are prominent due to the different micro nutrient deficiency and biotic stress. Hence, the study was carried out entitled “Effect of Silicon and iron on yield, yield attributes and economic of green gram (Vigna radiata L).” Results revealed that all the treatments significantly increasing in all growth attributes, yield attributes and yield of green gram. Application of T8– (1.5 % FeSo4 spray at 20, 30 & 40 DAS) was significantly affected to plant height (8.73, 24.60, 24.93 cm), number of leaves (11.60, 35.33, 36.07), number of branches plant-1 (2.60 and 2.97) fresh weight (21.94, 24.34 and 39.07) and dry weight (1.27,7.25 and 13.36 g plant-1), number of root nodules (56.33 and 121.33), dry weight of root (0.19 and 1.39 g plant-1), number of pod plant-1 (17.40), no. of grains pod-1 (9.47), length of pod (7.31cm), test weight (46.69 g), grain, straw and biological yield (12.94, 24.86 and 37.80 q ha-1) at 20,30 & 40 DAS. Maximum net returns (72775.2 Rs. ha-1)
How to cite this article:
Nazim Khan, Dr. Virendra Singh, Ram Prakash, Madan Gopal. Effect of Silicon and iron on yield, yield attributes and economic of green gram (Vigna radiata L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):2229-2233.