Abstract:The richness of the culture and the fragrance of the spices were the major sources of glory of the ancient India. Species is an important crop grown in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. The aim of present study is to assess the cost, returns and growth rate of chilli production in different size of farm. A sample of 75 chilli growers were selected from 1 block of Raigarh district. Comprises of three size groups, cost of cultivation, compound growth rate, marketable surplus technique was used to analysis the collected data.
The study reviews growth on area, production and productivity of chilli, over the study period (2007-08 to 2016-17), Area production and productivity of chilli in Raigarh district was found significant. Area and production of Chhattisgarh state was found significant. An overall the cost of cultivation per hectare of chilli was calculated as Rs. 93724.87. The cost of cultivation per hectare showed rising trend with the rise in farm size. An overall input –output ratio of chilli came to 1:2.53 on the sample farms. The overall gross return of chilli is estimate as Rs. 289867.56.70 per hectare.