Socio-economic and constraints analysis of growers and dealers of kharif green gram seeds in Banaskantha district of Gujarat
Laxmi Rani Dubeya, Raginaben S Rathava, Lalita H Saini and AK Saini
Pulses are the edible seed of plants in the legume family and these are consumed as dal. Pulses are important source of protein, grow quickly, generate good profits for growers and contribute to agricultural and environmental sustainability. Green Gram (Vigna radiata) is excellent source of high-quality protein. It is consumed as whole grains, sprouted form as well as dal in a variety of ways in homes. The present study was aimed to examined the socio-economic profile and constraints faced by the green gram seed growers and dealers. The study was conducted Vav and Tharad talukas of Banaskantha district, as both the talukas have higher area under kharif green gram cultivation. Total 120 green gram seed growers and 10 dealers were selected as sample respondents for the study. Multistage random sampling technique was adopted to select the districts, talukas, and villages. The study was mainly based on primary data, which were collected with the help of structured schedule through personal interview method. The overall finding of the study indicated that highest percentage of green gram seed growers belonged to middle age group and have primary education. Majority of the green gram seed growers belonged to semi-medium and small land holding groups and have annual income between Rs. 1,00,001 to Rs. 2,50,000 lakhs. Borewell was observed the main source of irrigation in the study area. Most of the green gram seed growers have more than 15-year experience in farming. The green gram seed growers were faced the major constraints as scarcity of particular brand followed by timely unavailability, high price and lack of knowledge, Whereas it was observed that dealers faced major constraints of less number of varieties available followed by lack of promotional scheme. The result of study also inferred that dealers’ major expectations from the seed company were easy and timely availability of required brand seed followed by farmers satisfaction, more commission and good business relationship. It can be concluded that all the green gram seed producing companies should be focus on timely availability, with more green gram varieties choices and growers satisfaction to get more market coverage. As most of the green gram seed growers of the study area were having primary to higher secondary level education and doing agriculture through traditional ways. Hence, there is a need to aware the farmers about the modern agricultural technology through robust extension services.
How to cite this article:
Laxmi Rani Dubeya, Raginaben S Rathava, Lalita H Saini, AK Saini. Socio-economic and constraints analysis of growers and dealers of kharif green gram seeds in Banaskantha district of Gujarat. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):2171-2176.