Identification of profitable crop and livestock integrated farming systems for small and marginal farmers in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh
Krishna Murthy A and Muninarayanappa M
Agriculture and livestock integration provide scope for profitability and sustainability of the farming systems. To get sustainable income for the small and marginal farmers a suitable farming system with combination of crops and livestock is very much needed. A study was conducted to identify a profitable and suitable farming systems under major farming situations of Kurnool district. Farming system consisting of seasonal crops along with dairy, sheep and poultry was found most profitable than cultivation of crops alone. The farming system with red gram + dairy + sheep was found profitable in rainfed black soils with BCR of 2.11. Similarly, red gram + dairy (1.94) and maize + sorghum + dairy + sheep + poultry (1.87) were found most profitable farming systems in rainfed red soils and irrigated black soils respectively. The present study recommended suitable and profitable farming system for small and marginal farmers in Kurnool district.
How to cite this article:
Krishna Murthy A, Muninarayanappa M. Identification of profitable crop and livestock integrated farming systems for small and marginal farmers in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):2138-2143.