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Vol. 12, Issue 3 (2023)

Effect of plant growth substances and bio-enhancer on the regeneration of bulblet from scale of Lilium under in vivo condition

Chandra Kala Rai, Manju Rana and Laxuman Sharma
Liliums are widely praised for their use as cut flowers and pot plants. Lilium (Lilium spp) belongs to the family Liliaceae. In general, lilies reproduce sexually through seeds and asexually through the development of daughter bulbs and axillary bulblets. Daughter bulbs develop in the axils of leaves and axillary bulblets that develop underground or above ground, and scales (Hartmann et al., 1997) [5]. Scale propagation is widely used for Lilium multiplication in various conventional methods. Scaling is a quick and cost-effective way of producing bulbs from vegetative growth (Tang et al., 2020) [15]. From the point of view experiment was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Sikkim University to examine the effect of growth substances and bio enhancers on the regeneration of microbulblet from the scale. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and replicated thrice. For the regeneration of microbulblet from scales, the scales were treated with Kinetin (growth substances) and bio enhancers namely Coconut water, Vermiwash and Cow urine. The performance of bio enhancers was found better in comparison to kinetin and control. Non-significant variations was recorded in days taken for sprouting, production of microbulblet/scale and size of microbulblet. Among these different treatments, the minimum days taken for sprouting was recorded when treated with cow urine @ 10% but production of more number of microbulblet/scale was observed when treated with coconut water @ 50%. The maximum weight of microbulblet was obtained when treated with vermiwash @ 50%. However, the maximum length and breadth of microbulblet were recorded when kinetin was used @ 75 ppm. Number of roots and shoots per microbulblet and shoot length showed non-significant variation among all treatments. Maximum length of the root was recorded when treated with cow urine and maximum number of scales/microbulblet was produced with Kinetin @ 50 ppm.
Keeping in view the results obtained in the study for the regeneration of microbulblet from scale and development of bulbs from scale, bio enhancers like coconut water, vermiwash and cow urine can be used as substitutes inspite of chemical growth substances in organic farming and can be recommended to the farmers for quality production of quality planting materials of lilium in the Eastern Himalayan Region of India.
Pages: 1820-1824  |  377 Views  180 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Chandra Kala Rai, Manju Rana, Laxuman Sharma. Effect of plant growth substances and bio-enhancer on the regeneration of bulblet from scale of Lilium under in vivo condition. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1820-1824.

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