Effect of organic nutrient management on quality parameters of late kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Bhima Super
Nivrutti Baburao Patil, Rupesh Sharma¬ and Bhagyashree N Patil
Onion, a seasonal crop has comparatively low storability. Sometimes bulbs are to be stored for longer period due to seasonal glut in the market. Significant losses in the quality and quantity of onion occur during storage. Post-harvest losses occur mainly due to sprouting, rotting and physiological loss in weight. Therefore, an experiment was undertaken in Washim district of Maharashtra to assess the effects of integrated nutrient management on the quality parameters of late Kharif onion bulbs. The experiment consists of thirteen treatments in combination with chemical fertilizer, Biodynamic preparation, manure and combinations of different organic manure. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results revealed that combined application of 50% RDN through FYM (q ha-1) + 50% RDN through Vermicompost (q ha-1) + Azotobacter (kg ha-1) + PSB (kg ha-1) (T9) gives highest oleoresin content (10.61 and 10.53%), TSS (12.93 and 14.23 0brix), maximum dry matter content (14.01% and 14.57%) and Total sugars (8.22% and 8.87%) and reducing sugar (5.01 and 4.23%), non-reducing sugars content (3.21% and 4.54%) after curing of the bulbs and after 60 days of storage, respectively.
How to cite this article:
Nivrutti Baburao Patil, Rupesh Sharma¬, Bhagyashree N Patil. Effect of organic nutrient management on quality parameters of late kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Bhima Super. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1872-1878.