Productivity and profitability enhancement in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) through frontline demonstrations at tribal farmer’s fields in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh
GS Gathiye, RC Aswani, Jagdeesh Morya and Vishal Verma
The present study was carried out by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhar, Madhya Pradesh to study the impact of productivity and profitability enhancement through frontline demonstrations in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) at tribal farmer’s fields in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. The results revealed that, an average highest yield (848 kg/ha) was recorded in frontline demonstrations plots of green gram by adopting integrated crop management technology as compared to farmers practice (606 kg/ha). By the adoption of improved production technology of green gram, the yield was found in increasing trend i.e. 39.93% over farmer practices. The average technological gap (152 kg/ha), extension gap (246 kg/ha) and technological index (15.20%) were noticed. The maximum average gross monetary returns (Rs. 46640/ha), net monetary returns (Rs. 27440/ha and profitability (2.43) was recorded under demonstration while the minimum gross monetary returns (Rs. 28896/ha), net monetary returns (Rs. 10396/ha and profitability (1.56) was recorded in farmer’s practice. The maximum yield was recorded in demonstration plots over local check due to adoption of innovative knowledge and full package of practices.
How to cite this article:
GS Gathiye, RC Aswani, Jagdeesh Morya, Vishal Verma. Productivity and profitability enhancement in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) through frontline demonstrations at tribal farmer’s fields in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1802-1805.