Effect of nutrient management on nutrient content and uptake by Indian bean in Indian bean-summer sorghum cropping sequence
AR Katara, DD Patel, SV Gosavi, PM Patel and RS Patel
A field experiment entitled, “Effect of nutrient management on nutrient content and uptake by Indian bean in Indian bean-summer sorghum cropping sequence” was conducted at College farm, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) during kharif and rabi season of 2019-20 and 2020-21. The field experiment consisted of nutrient management treatments viz., T1:- RDF (25 N - 50 P2O5 - 00 K2O kg/ha), T2:- 75% RDF, T3:- 75% RDF + Vermicompost @ 2 t/ha, T4:- 75% RDF + FYM @ 5 t/ha, T5:- 75% RDF + Biocompost @ 5 t/ha, T6:- 75% RDF + Vermicompost @ 2 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment, T7:- 75% RDF + FYM @ 5 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment and T8:- 75% RDF + Biocompost @ 5 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment to Indian bean in rabi season and all these treatments replicated three times in randomized block design. On the basis of two-year pooled results, it was observed that treatment receiving 75% RDF + Biocompost @ 5 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment (T8) recorded significantly higher nutrient content (N and P2O5) and uptake (N, P2O5 and K2O) as well as its total uptake and which was remained almost at par with application of 75% RDF + Vermicompost @ 2 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment (T6) and 75% RDF + FYM @ 5 t/ha + NPK consortia @ 1 litre/ha soil treatment (T7). While, the lower nutrient content (N and P2O5) and uptake (N, P2O5 and K2O) were found with treatment receiving RDF (T1)by seed and stover of Indian bean as well as its total uptake also. However, K2O content in seed and stover of Indian bean was not significantly influenced by various nutrient management treatments.
How to cite this article:
AR Katara, DD Patel, SV Gosavi, PM Patel, RS Patel. Effect of nutrient management on nutrient content and uptake by Indian bean in Indian bean-summer sorghum cropping sequence. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1734-1736.