Abstract:At present over two billion people around the world suffer from ‘hidden hunger’ or micronutrient deficiencies. Besides hunger, malnutrition resulting from the intake of food poor in nutritional quality, particularly lacking in crucial micronutrients, has been recognized as a serious global health problem. Efforts are underway to address this hidden hunger by various means. The available micronutrients in the grains are occupied due to various anti-nutritional factors. These anti-nutritional factors hamper the bio-availability of micronutrients and hence are undesirable from health perspective. There are various anti-nutritional factors reported in sorghum, we studied about inorganic phosphorous, phytic acid and tannins along with grain zinc and iron contents. Keeping in view the losses caused by these anti-nutritional factors in inducing non- availability of the micronutrients, present investigation was undertaken at Akola and Buldhana locations with the objective to study the association among various micronutrients and anti-nutritional factors of sorghum. The efficiency of selection depends upon the direction and magnitude of association between grain zinc and iron with anti-nutritional factors.
Genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficient of grain Fe and Zn contents with anti-nutritional factors in parents and crosses (obtained by 10x10 half diallel) over the environments were estimated. In the present investigation the genotypic correlation was generally higher than phenotypic correlation indicating the inherent association between various traits. Fairly high correlation (r=0.86) between grain Fe and Zn contents suggests ample scope for simultaneous improvement of both the micronutrients.
Correlation studies revealed that genotyic and phenotypic correlation coefficient for characters like inorganic phosphorous and grain yield per plant were significant and positively correlated with both grain zinc and iron content, selection of parents and cross combinations with higher magnitude of these traits will enhance grain zinc and iron content. On the contrary grain zinc and iron contents are negatively correlated with phytic acid and tannin contents and hence selections of parents and cross combinations with lower magnitude of these traits is suggested for improvement of zinc and iron content in the crop.
Amongst the parents the parent ICSR-72 performed best for grain zinc and iron content along with grain yield per plant. It exhibited positive correlation with inorganic phosphorous and negative correlation with phytic acid and tannins content. It can be further exploited for micronutrient enhancement in the crop. Amongst the crosses, the cross AKSV-440 x ICSR-72 had maximum mean value for grain zinc ppm (mg/kg) and iron ppm (mg/kg). It exhibited positive correlation with inorganic phosphorous and negative correlation with phytic acid and tannins content. Such entries with high grain yield along with high grain zinc, iron and inorganic phosphorous content can be further exploited for micronutrient enhancement in the crop.