Futuristic prediction of price of agriculture commodities using enhanced exponential smoothing (EES) algorithm
Pawan Choudhary, Upendra Singh, US Tanwar and Vijay Singh Meena
Modernization in Agricultural practices is required, to meet the requirements. In the recent years there has been an inconsistency in the prices of multiple crops which in turn has increased the menace encountered by the farmers. This study has conducted a comparison between the various time series models like AR, ARMA, SARIMA and Exponential smoothing on the crop price dataset using PYTHON to predict the future price. The performances of these algorithms are analyzed based on metrics like ET, RMSE, MAE, R2Score, and MDAE.
How to cite this article:
Pawan Choudhary, Upendra Singh, US Tanwar, Vijay Singh Meena. Futuristic prediction of price of agriculture commodities using enhanced exponential smoothing (EES) algorithm. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1304-1307.