Statistical assessment of chickpea production using nonlinear growth models for northern hills region of Chhattisgarh
Vibha Ramteke, RR Saxena and DP Singh
This paper deals with a critical study of chickpea yield of Northern Hills Region of Chhattisgarh in Madhya Pradesh state with a non-linear approach. Chickpea is 3rd (FAO, 2008) among the food legumes after beans and pea. More than 50 countries are reported to grow chickpea. Major chickpea producing countries are: India (65% of annual production), Pakistan (10%), Turkey (7%), Iran (3%) and Australia (1.5%) (FAO, 2008). The secondary data of chickpea crop yield during different years is taken into consideration and different statistical models are fitted for that. The time series data on annual yield of chickpea in Northern Hills Region of Chhattisgarh from 1980-81 to 2018-19 were collected from Agricultural Statistics, published by Directorate of Agriculture, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal and the Basic Agricultural Statistics published by Commissioner, Land Record and Settlement, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Growth rates are computed through non-linear models, viz. Logistic, Gompertz, Monomolecular, Richards and MMF models. The results showed that logistic model performed better followed by monomolecular and Gompertz. The models have been used to forecast yield in the subsequent three years.
How to cite this article:
Vibha Ramteke, RR Saxena, DP Singh. Statistical assessment of chickpea production using nonlinear growth models for northern hills region of Chhattisgarh. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1099-1102.