Effect of natural vitamin E, vitamin C, choline and herbal liver supplement on immune response in commercial broilers
Sunil Kodler, TN Krishnamurthy, HC Indresh, MB Karthik and Jayanaik
An experiment was conducted to study the effect of natural vitamin E, vitamin C, choline and herbal liver supplement on growth performance, carcass characteristics, immune status and serum biochemical parameters of commercial broilers. A total of 150, day-old commercial broiler (Cobb) chicks were distributed into five treatment groups with three replicates in each group and ten chicks in each replicate. Basal diet (T1) prepared following BIS standards and the experimental diets were prepared by incorporating natural vitamin E, vitamin C, choline and herbal liver supplement to the treatment groups T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively each at 0.1% to the basal diet. Results revealed non significant difference (p≤0.05) on Immune response against Newcastle disease and Infectious bursal disease and also lymphoid organs weight between different treatment groups and control group.
How to cite this article:
Sunil Kodler, TN Krishnamurthy, HC Indresh, MB Karthik, Jayanaik. Effect of natural vitamin E, vitamin C, choline and herbal liver supplement on immune response in commercial broilers. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1050-1052.