Effect of roughage replacement in camel diet with tannin containing tree leaves on water intake of lactating camel
Subhita Kumari, Sanjita Sharma, Artbandu Sahoo, Sourabh Singh Singhal and Sunil Kumar Meena
This study investigated the effect of roughage replacement in camel diet with tannin containing tree leaves on water intake. Fifteen lactating camels (average BW 554 kg) in mid lactation stage were used to study the impact of tree leaves. Animals were blocked by weight and milk production into three groups, where they were offered roughage to concentrate ratio of 70:30. Roughage components included crop residues as Groundnut straw (GS), Guar phalgati (GP) and Khejri leaves /Pala leaves in different ratio. Group T0 fed with GS and GP ratio of 50:50, Group T1 fed with GS, GP and Khejri leaves ratio of 40:40:20 and Group T2 were offered GS, GP and Pala leaves ratio of 40:40:20. Results reveal that water intake in camels fed 20% tree leaves significantly (p<0.01) higher as compared to control group.
How to cite this article:
Subhita Kumari, Sanjita Sharma, Artbandu Sahoo, Sourabh Singh Singhal, Sunil Kumar Meena. Effect of roughage replacement in camel diet with tannin containing tree leaves on water intake of lactating camel. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):1025-1026.