Impact of cluster front line demonstrations on yield levels in pigeonpea and chickpea
Author(s): Mouneshwari Kammar, Angadi SC, Dineshkumar SP and Arjun RS
Abstract: This paper is the result of pooled analysis of cluster front line demonstrations on two pulses (CFLD-P) namely Pigeonpea and Chickpea conducted at ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bagalkote since last five years from 2017-18 to 2021-22 at different villages and talukas. ICAR KVK Bagalkote has conducted cluster front line demonstrations on pigeon pea in 90 ha with 325 farmers and 86 ha with 215 farmers on chickpea. These demonstrations were intended to increase the area and productivity under pulses to attain food security with various recent technologies released including varieties and integrated crop production practices. It was found that, there was steady increase in net returns of Pigeonpea from 17.02 to 34.87 percent during last five years. The results with respect to pigeonpea (Kharif season) revealed that, there was increase in yield from 13.74% to 16.09 percent over the farmers practice except during 2019-20, where in the increase was witnessed 36.79%. The results regarding chickpea also revealed that, the increase in net returns from 31.60 to 36.75% while increase in yield levels 15.11 to 25%. These trends of increase in yield levels can be attributed to adoption of improved technology as well as improved varieties. The yield levels were considerably low under local practices because of variations in adoption of recommended package of practices depending upon the amount of risk involved in terms of cost, convenience, skill and knowledge about the concerned practice. The productivity was better over local practice under demonstrations. Hence, pulses production technology have a broad scope for increasing the area and production of pulses at each and every level i.e., Farmers, State and National level. However there were fluctuations noticed in both the crops regarding yield and net returns due to rainfall and price fluctuations.
Mouneshwari Kammar, Angadi SC, Dineshkumar SP, Arjun RS. Impact of cluster front line demonstrations on yield levels in pigeonpea and chickpea. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):306-309. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2023.v12.i3c.18944