Growth, yield and economics influenced by pigeonpea based vegetable intercrops under organic cultivation
Vaishnavi Borde, Dr. Godawari Gaikwad, Dr. AN Paslawar, Dr. VS Kale and Komal Gawande
The present investigation was conducted during 2021-22 at certified organic farm, Department of Agronomy, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra). The soil of experimental site was medium black cotton soil, clayey in texture, medium in organic carbon, low in available nitrogen, very low in phosphorus and high in available potassium. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with seven treatments replicated thrice. The treatment comprise of sole pigeonpea, sole greengram, sole cowpea, sole clusterbean and pigeonpea intercropped with vegetables in 1:4 proportion. Numerically, Pigeonpea + Greengram (1:4) recorded maximum height of pigeonpea and maximum number of branches followed by Pigeonpea + Cowpea (1:4) and Pigeonpea + Clusterbean (1:4). Numerically higher pigeonpea seed yield was recorded in pigeonpea + grengram (1:4) (1052 kgha-1) intercropping system and it was followed by Pigeonpea + Cowpea (1:4) (1022 kg ha-1). Significantly higher pigeonpea equivalent yield was recorded in Pigeonpea + Greengram (1:4) (2471 kg ha-1) Land equivalent ratio was highest recorded in Pigeonpea + Greengram intercropping (1:4) by achieving LER (1.95).
How to cite this article:
Vaishnavi Borde, Dr. Godawari Gaikwad, Dr. AN Paslawar, Dr. VS Kale, Komal Gawande. Growth, yield and economics influenced by pigeonpea based vegetable intercrops under organic cultivation. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):3560-3563.