Analysis of gene effects governing yield and yield contributing traits in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]
NA Mohurle, AN Patil, KN Uikey, MP Meshram, SH Karvar, RS Nandanwar, SJ Gahukar and RD Walke
Generation mean analysis study in pigeopea was undertaken to estimate the gene action operating in the inheritance of yield and its components. Six basic generations viz., P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 of three crosses, namely ASHA x NPMK 15-05 (Cross-I), BDN 711 x BSMR-853 (Cross-II) and PKV TARA x ICPL 87 (Cross-III) were studied. Scaling test was applied to test the adequacy of additive-dominance model for the traits under investigation. All additive, dominance and epistatic interactions were found operating in the inheritance of almost all characters. Dominance (Dominance and dominance x dominance) gene action was found predominant in control of grain yield and its components. All the characters under study showed duplicate type of gene action for one, two or three crosses. Both, additive and non-additive gene action contributes significantly in the inheritance of various quantitative characters in pigeonpea.
How to cite this article:
NA Mohurle, AN Patil, KN Uikey, MP Meshram, SH Karvar, RS Nandanwar, SJ Gahukar, RD Walke. Analysis of gene effects governing yield and yield contributing traits in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):3313-3315.