Comparative cost assessment of refined wheat flour noodles and functional noodles enriched with protein and dietary fibres
Neha Naijo Areekal, V Appa Rao, Karpoora Sundara Pandian and S Ezhilvelan
In present investigation the cost economics for functional noodles enriched with protein and dietary fibres were studied. Noodles are known to be the most relished cereal-based snack foods all over world. For the noodles preparation, the ingredients such as refined wheat flour, chicken meat powder, jackfruit seed flour, salt, gaur gum, potato starch and water was used. These ingredients were properly kneaded for 10 minutes and was then extruded with the mini pasta making dolly to obtain the noodle strands. These noodles were then subjected to the solar drying at 55 -70 ⁰C for 24 hrs. Thereafter these noodles were evaluated for qualities and cost of formulation were studied. The study revealed lower cost for control noodles prepared from refined wheat flour as compared to functional noodles having 20% chicken meat powder and 30% jackfruit seed flour. The cost of formulation of noodles witnessed variations due to the changes in the type of flour, change in the level of the chicken meat as well as variation in the processing cost. Therefore, development of the functional noodles enriched with protein and dietary was found less cost effective whereas more effective and nutritious while considering the standpoint of nutrition.
How to cite this article:
Neha Naijo Areekal, V Appa Rao, Karpoora Sundara Pandian, S Ezhilvelan. Comparative cost assessment of refined wheat flour noodles and functional noodles enriched with protein and dietary fibres. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):3288-3290.