Extent of adoption of organic farming practices among the PKVY beneficiary farmers in the rice crop
Govind Prasad, RS Sengar, ML Sharma and HK Awasthi
The study was conducted in Chhattisgarh state. Three districts namely, Sarguja from the Northern Hills, Korba from the Chhattisgarh Plains and Kondagaon from the Bastar Plateau zone were selected purposively. Twelve clusters from each district were selected, and six beneficiary farmers from each selected cluster were selected randomly. Thus, a total sample of 216 respondents was selected to assess the extent of adoption of organic farming among the beneficiary farmers, and to find out the relationship between profile characteristics and the extent of adoption of organic farming in the rice crop. The results showed that the majority of the beneficiary farmers had medium level of adoption regarding organic farming practices in the rice crop. In case of practice wise level of adoption, cent percent of the beneficiary farmers had fully adopted an improved/local variety, followed by the recommended seed rate (44.91%), cultural control (37.96%) irrigation management (37.00%) etc. Among the selected independent variables, nine variables, i.e. experience in organic farming, livestock possession, contact with extension personnel, information seeking behavior, risk orientation, training on organic farming, awareness of PKVY activities, knowledge about organic farming technology, and attitude towards organic farming were found positively and highly significantly correlated at 0.01 percent level of probability, while social participation, annual income and innovativeness were found to have a positive and significant relationship with the extent of adoption of organic farming in the rice crop at 0.05 level of probability. Regression analysis revealed that only seven variables, viz. experience in organic farming, livestock possession, contact with extension personnel, information seeking behavior, training on organic farming, knowledge about organic farming technology and attitude towards organic farming had positively and highly significantly influenced the adoption of organic farming practices in the rice crop.
How to cite this article:
Govind Prasad, RS Sengar, ML Sharma, HK Awasthi. Extent of adoption of organic farming practices among the PKVY beneficiary farmers in the rice crop. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):3034-3039.