A study on prevailing ethno-veterinary practices in north-eastern ghat regions of Ganjam and Kandhamal districts, Odisha
Nishiswapna Garnayak, Santosh Kumar Senapti, Ramesh Chandra Patra and Siddharth Ranabijuli
The north eastern ghat region of Ganjam and Kandhamal districts, Odisha is rich in fauna and flora. The bio-diversity of the area provides opportunity for the use of wild and Cultivted plants in ethno-veterinary practices. Use of allopathic drugs and anti-microbial has increase the detrimental effect on livestock population forcing the treating community to search for alternative therapies. Use of medicinal plants can play a pivotal role in this scenario. Natives of the region has untapped knowledge on plants that has ethno-veterinary applications. These plants need to be documented for their use before the knowledge erases from local population of the region. The present study was carried out to collect data on ethno-veterinary practices adapted by natives of the area and document it. A total of 357 numbers of farmers, livestock owners, elderly people and local quacks or traditional healers were enquired for the use of various ethno-veterinary practices and the result was analysed for obtaining a prospect of prevailing traditional knowledge in the region and its level of extinction.
How to cite this article:
Nishiswapna Garnayak, Santosh Kumar Senapti, Ramesh Chandra Patra, Siddharth Ranabijuli. A study on prevailing ethno-veterinary practices in north-eastern ghat regions of Ganjam and Kandhamal districts, Odisha. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2924-2930.