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Vol. 12, Issue 2 (2023)

Influence of meteorological parameters on incidence of mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease in green gram in Assam

Krittika Bharadwaj, Manoj Kumar Kalita, Ranima Mishra, Prarthna Rajkumari and Budha Bora
Green gram (Vigna radiata) is one of the most important pulse crops grown in India and abroad bean yellow mosaic virus disease caused by Mung bean yellow mosaic virus has become a major threat in greengram cultivation in Assam. An experiment was conducted in the Experimental field, Department of Plant Pathology, Biswanath College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University, Biswanath Chariali during 2021-22, where green gram was sown in five dates starting from 5th September 2021to 3rd October 2021 at 7 days interval to study the effect of meteorological parameters in the incidence of green gram yellow mosaic virus disease, effect on growth and yield parameters so as to find out the best sowing time of the crop as a strategy for managing the disease. During the study, symptoms like, appearance of chlorotic specks along the veins, puckering of leaves, typical mosaic pattern, complete yellowing and drying of the leaves were recorded. Highest whitefly population (12.42 no/plant) was recorded in the crop sown on 19.09.2021 and the lowest (6.24no/plant) was recorded in the 05.9.2021 sown crop. Lowest (40.32%) disease incidence with highest seed yield (4.50 q/ha) was recorded in the crop sown on 05.09.2021, whereas highest (88.25%) disease incidence with lowest yield (2.50 q/ha) was recorded in the crop sown in second fortnight of September (19.09.21). Maximum temperature ranging from 29-33 oC, minimum temperature 13-23 oC with 8-9 bright sunshine hours were found to be conducive for incidence and rapid spread of the disease.
Pages: 2803-2809  |  446 Views  215 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Krittika Bharadwaj, Manoj Kumar Kalita, Ranima Mishra, Prarthna Rajkumari, Budha Bora. Influence of meteorological parameters on incidence of mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease in green gram in Assam. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2803-2809. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2023.v12.i2ah.18796

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