Abstract:The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with three replications and thirty treatment combinations consisting of ten rose varieties (Sofiya, Gladiator, Focklor, Royalden, Eiffel Tower, Paradise, Nashik Yellow, Gold Medal, Grand Moghal and White Masterpiece) and three levels of GA3 (control, GA3 100 ppm and GA3 200 ppm). An experiment was carried out during 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2021-22 at Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. PDKV, Akola.
Significantly highest plant height was recorded in the rose variety Focklor and treatment GA3 200 ppm, whereas the lowest plant height was recorded in rose variety White Masterpiece and in control treatment.
The highest number of shoots plant-1 and number of secondary shoots plant-1 was recorded in the rose variety Gladiator and in GA3 200 ppm, whereas the lowest number of shoots plant-1 and number of secondary shoots plant-1 was recorded in rose variety White Masterpiece and in control treatment.
The highest flower bud length, length of petal and width of petal were recorded in the rose variety Eiffel Tower and treatment GA3 200 ppm, whereas the lowest flower bud length of petal and width of petal were recorded in rose variety Gold Medal and in control treatment.
The highest flower bud diameter and flower breadth (height) was recorded in the rose variety Gladiator and in GA3 200 ppm, whereas the lowest flower bud diameter was recorded in rose variety Royalden and in control treatment also the lowest flower breadth (height) was recorded in rose variety Nashik Yellow and in treatment control.
The character in respect of number of petals flower-1 was highest in the rose variety Gladiator and in GA3 200 ppm, while the less number of petals flower-1 was recorded in rose variety Royalden and in treatment control.