Varietal response of chrysanthemum under konkan climatic conditions
NM Dali, BR Salvi, CD Pawar, RG Khandekar, AV Mane and NV Dalvi
An investigation was carried out to study the varietal response of chrysanthemum under konkan climatic conditions at College of Horticulture, Dapoli during the year 2020-2022. The research study comprised of eight varieties namely Zhizhino yellow, Dark pink, Pink, Orange 2108, Manga red, Aurdio white, Smola white and Smola yellow. During the period of investigation, Zhizhino yellow variety recorded maximum plant height (24.51 cm), early flower bud initiation (42.66 days), maximum flowering duration (51.05 days), number of flowers per plant (24.24), yield of flowers per plant (128.90 g), per hectare (143.22 q), shelf life (2.77 days) and highest B: C ratio (1.83). While variety Aurdio white recorded maximum number of branches (13.17), plant spread (24.46 cm), flower weight (5.44 g) and flower diameter (5.99 cm). This shows that among 8 varieties tested, Zhizhino yellow was found to be superior for flowering, yield and yield attributing characters whereas Aurdio white was superior with respect to vegetative growth and quality parameters.
How to cite this article:
NM Dali, BR Salvi, CD Pawar, RG Khandekar, AV Mane, NV Dalvi. Varietal response of chrysanthemum under konkan climatic conditions. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2785-2788.