Abstract:The present investigation entitled “Morphological Characterization of Non-Descript Buffalo in Konkan Region of Maharashtra State.” was undertaken with the objectives to study the morphological characteristics, milk production performance, reproductive performance, disease incidence, mortality and morbidity, management practices and feeds and feeding of non-descript buffaloes of the Konkan region. For survey, four districts
viz., Thane, Palghar, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg of the Konkan region of Maharashtra were selected. The total sample size of 500 buffalo owners with 850 non-descript buffalo was considered for sample survey. The data were collected by personal interview and by taking measurements of the non-descript buffaloes.
The average daily milk yield, peak milk yield, total lactation milk yield, lactation length and dry period in non-descript buffaloes were 6.48±0.34 liters, 6.80±0.24 liters, 1964.57±101.58 liters, 302.87±2.47 days and 138.14±2.41 days, respectively. The average age at first calving, calving interval, service period, gestation period and number of calving were 51.65±1.09 months, 433.06±4.03 days, 128.62±2.04 days, 309.86±0.48 days, 2.81±0.98 numbers, respectively. Rainy season of calving showed (July-Oct), maximum calving (51.02%) as compared with other seasons.