Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.)
Pooja S, Md. Farooq, VB Narayanapur, VP Singh, Lokesh MS, RB Chittapur and SY Ryavalad
The variability is the basic requirement in any breeding programme, so, in this research an attempt was made to assess the morphological variability using seventeen characters in ajwain. Mean sum of square due to treatment was found highly significant for all the characters. In the present findings phenotypic coefficient of variations were observed to be higher than the corresponding genotypic coefficient of variation for all the characters studied. The values of heritability in broad sense were observed very high for all th seventeen characters. However, it is not necessary that a character showing high heritability will also exhibit high genetic advance. From the study of character association ships, among the correlation analysis the characters namely, harvest index (%), number of umbels per plant, number of seeds per umbel, number of branches per plant at 150 DAS, number of flowers per umbellates, number of umbellates per umbel, essential oil (%), plant height at 150 DAS, oleoresin (%) and test weight (g) have positive correlation and the path analysis revealed that the traits such as number of seeds per umbel followed by number of branches at 150 DAS, test weight (g), days to germination and oleoresin (%) had direct positive effect on seed yield per plant. Hence further improvement in these characters would be achieved by phenotypic selection.
How to cite this article:
Pooja S, Md. Farooq, VB Narayanapur, VP Singh, Lokesh MS, RB Chittapur, SY Ryavalad. Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2622-2629.