Growth, yield and economics of banana crop as influenced by organic and inorganic mulches
RS Wankhade, NH Ramteke, YD Charjan, VN Patil, HH Dikey and AS Lawhale
An experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Achalpur (M.S.), India to evaluate the effect of various organic and inorganic mulches on banana crop. Maximum plant height, stem girth, total number of leaves, length of fruit, girth of fruit, number of fruits bunch-1, fruit weight, bunch weight and 114.69 t yield ha-1 were noticed in banana by mulching of black polyethylene (50 µ) followed by dry grass. However, significantly minimum plant height, stem girth, number of leaves, number of fruits, weight of fruit, length of fruit, girth of fruit and bunch weight and 94.47 t yield ha-1 were recorded with the no mulching treatment. Maximum gross return, net profit and B: C ratio ha-1 (Rs. 931283, Rs. 600534 and 2.82) were obtained under treatment black polyethylene (50 µ) inorganic mulch followed by dry grass (Rs 882563, Rs. 560584 and 2.74) organic mulch.
How to cite this article:
RS Wankhade, NH Ramteke, YD Charjan, VN Patil, HH Dikey, AS Lawhale. Growth, yield and economics of banana crop as influenced by organic and inorganic mulches. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2612-2614.