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Vol. 12, Issue 2 (2023)

Constraints faced by paddy growers in adoption of recommended practices of paddy cultivation

Varshitha R, PS Kapse and RP Kadam
The study was carried out in Davangere district of Karnataka state to find out the constraints faced by paddy growers in adoption of recommended practices of paddy cultivation. The result reported that majority of the respondents (99.17%) expressed the chemical fertilizers are very expensive. Whereas, 98.33 per cent of them faced the problem of unavailability of storage facilities. The problem of non-availability of chemical fertilizers at appropriate time and lack of knowledge of proper use of chemical fertilizers were faced by 97.50 per cent of the respondents. Whereas, 93.33 per cent of the respondents were faced the problems of expensive seeds and 91.67 per cent of them were faced the problems of lack of knowledge about the recommended varieties of paddy. The constraints faced by the paddy growers are non-availability of labours at the appropriate time (90.00%), inadequate supply of electricity (89.17%), lack of knowledge about scientific plant protection (88.33%), unavailability of improved and hybrid varieties at the appropriate time (85.00%). The suggestions of paddy growers to overcome the constraints faced in adoption of recommended practices of paddy cultivation are the government should provide fertilizers and chemicals at low cost, information regarding pest and disease control methods should be timely sent through SMS service by the state department of agriculture or agricultural university, timely available of quality seeds at a low cost, and to increase the MSP of paddy.
Pages: 2590-2592  |  397 Views  228 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Varshitha R, PS Kapse, RP Kadam. Constraints faced by paddy growers in adoption of recommended practices of paddy cultivation. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2590-2592.

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