Study on effect of conservation tillage and in-situ green manuring on alfisols soil physical properties under pigeonpea
Devappa, Rajashekarappa KS, Devaraja K and Latha HS
A field experiment entitled “Studies on effect of conservation tillage and in-situ green manuring on soil moisture dynamics in pigeonpea in eastern dry zone of Karnataka” was conducted during Kharif 2021 at AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, GKVK, UAS, Bengaluru. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three each main plots on different conservation tillage and sub plots of in-situ green manuring practices replicated thrice. Among different conservation tillage practices, zero tillage (M3) - 1 pre-emergence herbicide has recorded better soil moisture content per cent than the Convention tillage practice (M1)- 1 Ploughing + 2 Harrowing + 1 intercultural operation at all crop growth periods in four different soil depths. However, Convention tillage (M1) showed the lower bulk density (1.36 g cc-1), particle density (2.56 g cc-1) and higher porosity (46.78%), Infiltration rate (5.15 cm hr-1 at 60 DAS) followed by reduced (M2) and zero tillage (M3) practice. In, in-situ green manuring practices, Horsegram (C3) has recorded, Higher infiltration rate (5.17 cm hr-1 at 60 DAS), improved soil moisture content (%) and Lower bulk density (1.37 g cc-1) as compared to Sunhemp (C2) in-situ green manuring practices. The interaction combination of M1C3 recorded more steady state infiltration rate both 60 DAS (5.49 cm hr-1) and at harvest (4.63 cm hr-1). Overall adoption of conservation agriculture created positive impact on soil physical properties in rainfed conditions.
How to cite this article:
Devappa, Rajashekarappa KS, Devaraja K, Latha HS. Study on effect of conservation tillage and in-situ green manuring on alfisols soil physical properties under pigeonpea. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2449-2455.