Effect of salinity stress on seed germination and seedling vigour index in chickpea genotypes
Navyashree R, Ashvathama VH, Kiran BO, Rashmi K and Spoorthy VC
Chickpea is grown under a wide range of climatic conditions and is known to be highly sensitive to salinity stress. Germination of seed depends on the imbibitions of water and which is affected by salt ion concentration of external medium in which seeds are sown. Germination process under salt stress condition was studied to identify the varieties tolerant to salinity as well as to understand the tolerance mechanism. Ten genotypes were tested in order to identify relatively tolerant genotypes at germination and early seedling growth in petriplates with graded salinity levels (0 dSm-1, 3 dSm-1 and 6 dSm-1) in the Department of Crop Physiology at College of Agriculture, Vijayapur. The maximum germination percentage was recorded at 0 dSm-1 (control) salt concentration level and increment of salinity levels caused significant reduction in germination percentage and vigour index at 3 dSm-1 and 6 dSm-1, respectively. Based on these observations JG11, BGD103 and ICC1431 were found to be salt tolerant genotypes.
How to cite this article:
Navyashree R, Ashvathama VH, Kiran BO, Rashmi K, Spoorthy VC. Effect of salinity stress on seed germination and seedling vigour index in chickpea genotypes. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2219-2223.