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Vol. 12, Issue 2 (2023)

Effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of guava (Psidium guajava L.)

Abhishek Jaiswal, VM Prasad, Vijay Bhadur and Narendra Kumar
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is the most widely farmed Myrtaceae species. It ranks third (260 mg/100 g) in vitamin C concentration behind Barbedose cherry (1500 mg/100 g) and Anola (700 mg/100 g). Guava is one of India's most popular fruits. It is the fourth most important crop in terms of area and yield, following mango, bananas, and citrus. There is a need for a method of nutrient management that has no negative impact on yield and quality and is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.So, to find out Effect of Organic Manure and In-Organic Fertilizer on growth yield and Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruit in meadow orchard; a field experiment was conducted at the Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS), Prayagraj (U.P.) during the year 2021. The experiment comprised of 7 treatments of different levels of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures including FYM and vermicompost replicated thrice in a Randomized Block Design. The main objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of organic manure and in-organic fertilizer on growth, yield and quality attributes of guava. From the present investigation Treatment T5(75% RDF+25% Vermicompost) was found best with growth attributes i.e., Plant Height (7.12, 7.17, 7.20 & 7.26) m, plant spread E-W (7.21, 7.23, 7.27 & 7.33) m, Plant Spread N-S (7.11, 7.12, 7.16 & 7.22) m, number of branches per plant (6.17, 6.63, 7.48 & 8.72), Canopy Height (2.78, 2.8, 2.82 & 2.87) m and Stem girth (11.94, 11.99, 12.05 & 12.15) cm at 30, 60, 90 & 120 DAFA (Days after fertiliser application); yield attributes i.e., Average fruit weight (215.48) g, Fruit yield per plot (50.66) Kg and Total yield (20.27) t/ha and quality attributes i.e., TSS(10.17)(°Brix) and Acidity(0.4)%. These practices may be passed on to the farmers for obtaining higher returns in this agro-climatic zone.
Pages: 2133-2136  |  838 Views  642 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Abhishek Jaiswal, VM Prasad, Vijay Bhadur, Narendra Kumar. Effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of guava (Psidium guajava L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2133-2136.

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