Effect of different potting media on Vigour of seedlings for grafting in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Mundhe PM, Sanap PB, Parulekar YR, Kadam JJ and More SS
The field experiment was carried out at College of Horticulture, Dapoli (M.H), Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkon Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri during Rabi season in year 2021-2022. The experiment was laid out in Split Plot Design with considering two factors, twelve treatments and three replications. Factor: A consisted of two sterilization factors S1: Sterilized media and S0: Non-sterilized media and Factor: B consisted of six medias M1- Cocopeat (100%), M2- Cocopeat (75%) + Vermicompost (25%), M3- Cocopeat (50%) + Vermicompost (50%), M4- Cocopeat (25%) + Vermicompost (75%), M5- Cocopeat (75%) + Saw Dust (25%) and M6- Cocopeat (75%) + Rice husk (25%). In rootstock seedlings minimum days (5.33) required for germination, maximum height (12.53 cm) of seedlings, maximum diameter (1.88 mm) at collar region of seedlings, maximum number (7.87) of functional leaves of seedlings, highest length (8.07 cm) of taproot, highest number of adventitious roots (15.20), maximum fresh weight (392.24 mg) of seedlings, maximum dry weight (13.73 mg) of seedlings, minimum number of days (43.00) required for seedlings to attain graftable stage and highest number of graftable seedlings percentage (92.00%) was found in S1M4 interaction at 42 days after grafting. In scion seedlings minimum days (5.33) required for germination, maximum height (11.84 cm) of seedlings, maximum diameter (1.81 mm) at collar region of seedlings, maximum number of functional leaves (7.57) of seedlings, highest length (8.15 cm) of taproot, highest number of adventitious roots (14.33), maximum fresh weight (223.46 mg) of seedlings, maximum dry weight (14.44 mg) of seedlings, minimum number of days (36.00) required for seedlings to attain graftable stage and highest number of graftable seedlings percentage (88.00%) was recorded in S1M4 interaction at 35 days after grafting.
How to cite this article:
Mundhe PM, Sanap PB, Parulekar YR, Kadam JJ, More SS. Effect of different potting media on Vigour of seedlings for grafting in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):2126-2130.