Abstract:A lab experiment was conducted in Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, AAU, Jorhat during 2020-21 with a view to enhance the shelf life of strawberry (
Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) by various treatments under active packaging system. Two packaging system, plastic packaging (P
1) and CFB packaging (P
2) were used. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eight treatments
viz. T
1 (Oxygen absorber + Chlorine dioxide (5ppm), T
2 (T
1 + Moisture Absorber), T
3 (Ethylene absorber + Chlorine dioxide (5ppm), T
4 (Ethylene absorber + Moisture absorber + ClO
2 (5ppm)), T
5 (Chitosan 1% + Lemon essential oil), T
6 (Chitosan 1% + Potassium sorbate (0.3%), T
7 (Hexanol (as vapour), T
0 (Control (Without treatment)) with three replications.
The results revealed that both the packaging materials and the treatments had a significant impact in boosting up the shelf life of strawberry along with the quality parameters. The observations revealed that shelf life was found to be highest in T4 (8.33 days in T4P1 and 8.66 days in T4P2), Physiological loss in weight (PLW) was lowest in T5 (3.80% in T5P1 and 3.14% in T4P2), Decay incidence was lowest in T7P2 (31.33%) and maximum TSS was obtained in T6P1 (11.36oBrix). T4 (Ethylene absorber + Moisture absorber + chlorine dioxide) performed best in boosting up the shelf life and quality of strawberry. CFB packaging performed better than plastic packaging in the entire experiment.