Abstract:A study was conducted in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] to estimate correlation coefficients and path coefficient analysis of vegetable pod yield by 25 genotypes collected from NBPGR, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, check variety arca Garima from IIHR, Bangalore. Vegetable cowpea 26 accessions were sown in a RBD with two replications. Plant descriptors quantitative traits (plant height, primary branches per plant, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, pods per clusters, clusters per plant, pods per plant, fresh weight of ten pods, fresh seed weight, pod length, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, pod wall proportion, seed yield per plant, pod yield per plant), qualitative traits (crude fibre, crude protein, Total sugars) were recorded. Positive and significant correlation was found between pod yield per plant and seed yield per plant followed by pods per plant, seeds per pod. In path coefficient analysis, the characters viz., seed yield per plant followed by pods per plant and fresh weight of ten pods at harvest exhibited positive direct effects on pod yield per plant. The promising genotypes viz., EC-390210, EC-390364, IC-206240 and IC-259069 exhibited better performance for these characters can be used in further improvement of vegetable cowpea.