Biological potential and land use efficiency of Pigeonpa based bio-intensive cropping system
Mamatha Shree CM, Girijsh GK, Ashwini M and Dhananjaya Swamy PS
To find out a pigeonpea based cropping system which is highly productive and biointensive and profitable the field experiment titled “Studies on profitable pigeonpea based relay intercropping system under paired row planting” was carried out during Kharif 2016 and 2017 at College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences (UAHS), Navile, Shivamogga. The soil of experimental field was red sandy loam in texture low in organic carbon (0.50%) and available nitrogen (232 kg ha-1), high in available phosphorus (77.40 kg ha-1) and medium in available potassium (193.50 kg ha-1). The treatments included in the experiment were T1: Pigeonpea in PR (paired row) of 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm), T2: Pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb field bean (45 x 15), T3: Pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb vegetable cowpea (45 x 20 cm), T4: Pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb French bean (45 x 15 cm), T5: Pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb finger millet (30 x 10 cm), T6: Sole field bean 95 x 15 cm), T7: Sole vegetable cowpea (45 x 15 cm), T8: Sole French bean (45 x15 cm), T9: Sole finger millet (30 x 10 cm), T10: Sole pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 x 15 cm) and T11: Sole baby corn (30 x 30 cm). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The performance of different relay intercropping systems was assessed in terms of PEY, system biological yield, monetary advantage index, land and space use efficiency indices. The highest pigeonpea equivalent yield (PEY) pooled over years was realized with cropping system pigeonpea (60-120-60 x 15 cm) +baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb vegetable field bean (4327 kg ha-1) closely followed by pigeonpea + baby corn fb finger millet (4238 kg ha-1). Whereas, higher MAI (Rs. 89,959 ha-1), LER (1.78) and ATER (1.32) were recorded with pigeonpea (PR: 60-120-60 cm x 15 cm) + baby corn (30 x 30 cm) fb finger millet (30 x 10 cm).
How to cite this article:
Mamatha Shree CM, Girijsh GK, Ashwini M, Dhananjaya Swamy PS. Biological potential and land use efficiency of Pigeonpa based bio-intensive cropping system. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):930-934.