Effect of different concentration of liquid fertilizer (N, P and K) on growth, yield and quality of tomato under shade net condition
Abhay Nayak, Vijay Bahadur, Samir E Topno and Tarence Thomas
An experiment was conducted on effect of different concentration of liquid fertilizers on growth yield and quality of Tomato under shade net condition with cultivar Arka Vikas during 2020-21 at the Research Field of Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj. The experiment was conducted in Randomized block design (RBD) with growing media (FYM+Vermicompost+Cocopeat) the treatments were T0 (NPK 0 ml/), T1 (NPK 7.5 ml/), T2 (NPK 10 ml/), T3 (NPK 12.5 ml/), T4 (NPK 15 ml/), T5 (NPK 17.5 ml/), T6 (NPK 20 ml/), T7 (NPK 22.50 ml/). The observations were recorded on various growth, yield and quality characters. The results from the present investigation revealed that treatment T7 followed by T6 was found superior in terms of growth, yield and quality parameters of Tomato in soilless media i.e. (Cocopeat + FYM + Vermi- compost), in agro-climatic condition of Prayagraj. In terms of economics maximum gross return, net return and B:C ratio the highest values was recorded in treatment T7.
How to cite this article:
Abhay Nayak, Vijay Bahadur, Samir E Topno, Tarence Thomas. Effect of different concentration of liquid fertilizer (N, P and K) on growth, yield and quality of tomato under shade net condition. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):542-545.