Effect of bio control agent on growth parameter and physiological aspects of wal (Lablab purpureus L.)
Vishal D Adsul, Ramchandra J Navatre, Shital S Jamdade and Kiran D Varnekar
The present experiment was conducted at education and research farm, Dept. of Agril. Botany, College of Agriculture, Dapoli during rabi 2017-2018 to study the effect of biocontrol agents on physiochemical aspects of Wal (Lablab purpureus L). The experiment laid out in randomized block design with variety of wal kokan wal-2 and seven treatments randomized in three replications. The applied seven treatment viz. T0-RDF only, T1-Rhizobium treatment, T2-RDF+T1, T3-Tricoderma viride (4 ml/lit)+T1, T4-Pseudomonas fluorescence (4 ml/lit)+T1, T5-Bacillus subtilis (4 ml/lit)+T1, T6-Paceilomyces lilacinus (4 ml/lit)+T1 respectively. Different bio control agents were applied through foliar spray at 2st and 4th week after sowing. Data were collected on photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and growth parameter like AGR, RGR, NAR, LAI and leaf area at the interval of 30, 60, 90 DAS and at physiological maturity. Growth period of the crop significantly reduced with the application of bio control agent. The treatment Paceilomyces lilacinus, Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas fluorescence and Trichoderma harzianum were superior in physiological attributes and growth parameter among all the treatments. So there is a need of further research work on different bio-control agents to assess their potential for developing pollution free smart green technologies in agriculture.
How to cite this article:
Vishal D Adsul, Ramchandra J Navatre, Shital S Jamdade, Kiran D Varnekar. Effect of bio control agent on growth parameter and physiological aspects of wal (Lablab purpureus L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(2):482-485.