Itaconic acid is one of industrially important organic acid produced by fungi. It is an unsaturated dicarboxylic acid, which can be used as a replacement for petroleum base chemicals. It can be used as monomer in synthesis of biodegradable polymer such as synthesis of fibre, plastics, detergents, rubber, lubricants and bioactive compounds. In this study, thirty five fungal isolates were retrieved from soil samples collected from different sites of Hisar (Agri-tourism Centre, HAU fields CCSHAU Hisar and field of Khanda Kheri, Hisar). Six isolates were selected on the basis of primary screening for organic acid production done on Czapek Dox agar/Potato dextrose agar using bromocresol green as pH indicator. Selected fungal isolates were observed under microscope for morphological characteristics. Fungal isolate ITA27 which was Aspergillus sp. on basis of morphological characteristics was selected for production of itaconic acid under submerged fermentation. HPLC analysis of itaconic acid produced by fungal ITA27 showed peak having similarity to standard itaconic acid. Fungal isolates ITA27 showed production of 1.28g/l itaconic acid after incubation period of 8 days.