Prevalence of crustacean parasite (Argulus japonicus) in cultivable carp fishes in tarai region of Uttarakhand, India: Treatments and management
Abhishek Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Jitendra Singh and Avdhesh Kumar
The present study delineates Argulus japonicus infestation in Indian and Exotic major carps from Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. A total of 2695 specimens were examined for the presence of the parasite out of which 378 specimens found to be infected. The maximum prevalence of the parasite was recorded from L. rohita and least from C. idella as 15.2% and 12.0%, respectively. Furthermore, the results showed highest infestation in rohu as 18.5% from Kalinagar and lowest in grass carp as 6.0% from Pantnagar. Besides, the analyses indicated that the mean intensity of the parasitic infestation found to be established highest as 0.24±0.02 in Kalinagar while lowest as 0.12±0.02 in Pantnagar, however, as for as fish species is concerned, the mean intensity of Argulus infestation was recorded maximum from L. rohita and C. carpio as 0.84±0.22 and 0.84±0.24, respectively. The monthly variation in prevalence, abundance and mean intensity of the Argulus infestation have insinuated that the prevalence, abundance and mean intensity of the parasitic infestation recorded to be highest as 22.78±1.79%, 0.18±0.02 and 1.38±0.07, respectively, during the month of October among all the six fish species. The bigger size specimens (>25 cm) exhibited more parasitic infestation than the smaller ones. The treatment analysis has shown complete detachment of the parasite from the hosts when common salt’s 3.0% solution for 5 minutes bath treatment applied. Also, the bath treatment with 0.1% solution of KMnO4 for 5 minutes caused complete removal of the parasite from the host fishes.
How to cite this article:
Abhishek Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Jitendra Singh, Avdhesh Kumar. Prevalence of crustacean parasite (Argulus japonicus) in cultivable carp fishes in tarai region of Uttarakhand, India: Treatments and management. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):3110-3113.