Abstract:A field experiment entitled “Off-season cultivation of French bean under different shade net colours and fertigation levels” was carried out during
late kharif season of 2017 and 2018 at Post Graduate Institute Research Farm, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra (India).
The experiment was laid in Factorial RBD design with three replications. The treatment consist of six shade net colours (75% shading intensity) viz., White, Blue, Green + White, Green, Red and Black and Open field and two fertigation levels viz., 100% RDF and 125% RDF applied in 3 equal splits to french bean (late Kharif).
The finding of the experiment shows that under white colour shad net and 125% RDF off season french bean cauliflower performs good and results in high yield and subsequent high economic returns. Study also shows that while considering off season sequence under different shade net colour system performance is appreciable. Red colour shadenet registered significantly higher french bean green pod equivalent yield of cauliflower which was at par white colour during both the years and on pooled mean. Result of the experiment also shows that White colour shadenet and 125% RDF registered significantly higher system productivity, production efficiency and economic efficiency of french bean- cauliflower cropping sequence which was at par Red colour followed by Green, Green + White, Blue and Black during 2017-18, 2018-19 and pooled mean respectively.
Cultivation under Open field recorded significantly lower french bean green pod equivalent yield of cauliflower, system productivity, production efficiency and economic efficiency of french bean- cauliflower cropping sequence during 2017-18, 2018-19 and pooled mean respectively.
Highest B:C ratio was recorded with white colour shadenet and 125%RDF while lowest B:C ratio recorded with open field cultivation and 100% RDF during both the years and pooled mean respectively.