Standardization of different pre-treatments, surface sterilization and growth regulators for axenic culture development and culture initiation from inflorescence stalk of tuberose
Pasupuleti Pranuthi, Dr. T Suseela, Dr. K Ravindra Kumar, Dr. AVD Dorajee Rao, Dr. DR Salomi Suneetha, Dr. K Umakrishna and Dr. M Paratpara Rao
Success of a commercially viable protocol for mass multiplication of plants using tissue culture begins with effective elimination of microbial contamination by pre-treatment and surface sterilization methods. In the present study, for development of axenic culture from inflorescence stalk of tuberose. Among the pre-treatments, nature and extent of microbial contamination, survival of inflorescence stalk explants were improved in desirable direction by dipping in the combination of Carbendazim 0.2% + Mancozeb 0.2% + Streptomycin 200 ppm + Teepol 1% – 3 h. Results for surface sterilization were best when explants were treated with HgCl2 0.1% for (6 min.) + 75% ethanol (1min.). All the parameters for culture establishment showed their best results in MS medium supplemented with 4 mg L-1 BAP and 0.1 mg L-1NAA. However among different media tested for culture intiation the inflorescence stalk was emerged from these nodes and could not able to convert the floral meristem to vegetative meristem for commercial multiplication. After germination, the shoots were ended up with flower bud like structures with no further growth and development.
How to cite this article:
Pasupuleti Pranuthi, Dr. T Suseela, Dr. K Ravindra Kumar, Dr. AVD Dorajee Rao, Dr. DR Salomi Suneetha, Dr. K Umakrishna, Dr. M Paratpara Rao. Standardization of different pre-treatments, surface sterilization and growth regulators for axenic culture development and culture initiation from inflorescence stalk of tuberose. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):1616-1620.