Effect of spacing and nipping on growth parameters of pea (Pisum sativum subsp. hortense) local cultivar Makhyatmubi
Flora Veilalkim Baite, Kshetrimayum Manishwari Devi, Tabuiliu Abonmai and MS Singh
Nipping of young tender top shoots though traditionally practiced by the farmer but its associated beneficial effects are not scientifically documented. Apical bud nipping is known to alter the source- sink relationship by arresting the vegetative growth and hastening the reproductive phase. It also helps in production of more pod bearing branches with luxuriant foliage thus, enhances the photosynthetic activity, accumulation of more photosynthates, ultimately resulting in better plant growth. A field experiment was conducted during the rabi season of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 and the treatments consisted of two factors i.e four spacing S1 (20 X 15 cm), S2 (20 X 20 cm), S3 (30 X 10 cm) and S4 (30 X 20 cm). The eight treatment combinations were laid out in FRBD with three replications. S1N1 recorded the highest plant height of 76.72 cm (1st year), 76.95 cm (2nd year) and 76.83 cm (Pooled data) at harvest and the same trend was recorded at 60 and 90 DAS. S4N2 gave the highest number of leaves with 46.83 (1st year), 84.13 (2nd year) and 47.48 (Pooled data). Maximum days of 86.41 days (1st year), 86.33 days (2nd year) and 86.37 (Pooled data) was recorded in S1N1. The number of branches at harvest was significantly affected by both spacing and nipping with maximum branches in treatment combination S4N2 3.20 (1st year), 3.30 (2nd year) and 3.27 (Pooled data). From the present investigation it was observed that pea growth was found to perform better in combination with spacing and nipping.
How to cite this article:
Flora Veilalkim Baite, Kshetrimayum Manishwari Devi, Tabuiliu Abonmai, MS Singh. Effect of spacing and nipping on growth parameters of pea (Pisum sativum subsp. hortense) local cultivar Makhyatmubi. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):1211-1216.